Deluxe Doctoral Graduation Gown Hood and Tam 6Sided Package



SKU: 400001615485

Product Description

Deluxe Doctoral Graduation Gown Hood and Tam 6Sided Package.

  • 00% High Quality Academic Apparel Matte Polyester Doctoral Gown Tam Hood Pack for Faculty and Professor;
  • Hidden Color Matching Zipper in front of Doctoral Gown, Fluted across the Shoulder & Back, Cuff Sleeve;Soft Velvet Banner in front of Doctoral Gown, Three Velvet Bars on each Sleeve;Doctoral Gown Size Based on HEIGHT and CHEST Size;
  • Doctoral Tam is available for 6 sided and 8 sided in black color, 6 sided for certain other degrees and 8 sided for a PhD;Doctoral Tam is adjustable by using Velcro;
  • Doctoral Hood is Premium Matte Dull Finished Fabric in Black,RoyalBlue Satin Lining and Gold Satin Chevron with Gold Piping around Velvet,There is also a Looping for attachment to Doctoral Gown;
  • Package: 1 x Graduation Doctoral Gown +1 x Graduation Doctoral Tam+1 x Graduation Doctoral Hood (each item in its own package)


  • Weight: 10 oz

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